California 2018
Headed to California on March 23rd we attended the “take away our rights” parade in Phoenix, (video) then headed to Los Angeles and toured the area Gun Shops & Firearms Museums through March 30th
Met up with Angelina from Owl & Anchor, Mr Knives from Gun Channels & Hosh. They all signed the Old West Guns Poster for Gun Channels
Visited some museums with firearms & historic areas like the locations of note during the 1992 L.A. Riots, which illustrate a modern justification for the ownership of ‘dangerous looking’ rifles
Then we headed back to Tucson
- 1,300 Miles
- 2 States
- 6 Days on the road
- 5 Gun Shops
- 3 Firearms Museums
Gun Shops
Tulsa & Texas 2018
Between preparing Taxes and lack of funding we almost didn’t head to Tulsa for the Wanenmacher’s Tulsa Gun Show
But we did get to Oklahoma to meet up with the Gun Channels Crew
34 people from Gun Channels showed up
Check out the videos and photos everyone took in Tulsa

After Oklahoma, headed to Texas to pick up the Old West Playing Cards in Dallas where they were printed. Headed south to Waco, Austin and San Antonio
- 3,000 Miles
- 4 States
- 9 Days on the road
- 4 Gun Shops
- 3 Shooting Ranges
- 2 Firearms Museums
- World’s Largest Gun Show
Gun Shops
Shooting Ranges
Firearms Museums