Old West Guns – Playing Card Deck ends Today !!

Old West Guns – Playing Card Deck ends Today !!

Last Day !!

Old West Guns playing cards

We have just a few hours left
then the Kickstarter Campaign ends

Another Successful Pro 2A Project !!
Thanks to all who made these possible 

The cards have had great reviews from all the people who have seen the prototype deck

Conversations start up as soon as people start to thumb through the guns. “Oh I remember this one from..” or “This looks just like the one my Grandpa used…” and “My grandkids will LOVE these !!

This project has been an adventure. we traveled to Tombstone, AZ to get new photos for the cards, and have had the opportunity to pull some guns from private collections as well 

Stay tuned for updates as they go to print & ship out to everyone

Go To the Kickstarter Campaign

Revolver Patches with each Perk

These 3D PVC patches will ship with each perk
4″ long and have a velcro back

Bonus for Perks over $60 !

These large (3″ x 3″) Cow Skull patch with velcro back, based off a photo we took in Tombstone, AZ for the campaign. We had thought about using this for the card back art

Partners, Experts & Stores

Traveling around to show the cards to experts, has been great,  we have found many edits and changes to make the cards as accurate as possible. I’d like to thank Bob, Pete, Brian, Jimmy, Dan Harry and Bunker.

Brian, Jimmy and I drove down to Tombstone to take photos at the Western Heritage Museum. Thanks to Marge, for letting us pull so many guns from the displays to get photos for the cards ! 

Being a guest on the Voices of the West Radio Show with Harry & Bunker was a treat, Emil’s show as a big inspiration for my interest in the guns of the old est, and these cards.
These cards will be dedicated to Emil, sorry to see him go.

Another aspect of the project has been reaching out to friends on the web, You Tube, Instagram and Facebook
It is with their help the project has been the successful as it has

The cards will be for sale in Tombstone, Arizona & Cody, Wyoming. And e hope  more stores ill buy in bulk so they ill be available after the campaign, but at this point, only a few dozen ill be available in stores, so order now, DON’T WAIT 

If you know a store that might be interested in carrying the decks in their shop, please have them contact us soon, so we can reserve some for them in the printing run

Stay tuned for updates

Let people know how to find the cards TONIGHT

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