Scott Speakman
Hailing from Ohio, Scott grew up around guns, but didn’t buy his first gun till 1988.
He bought an Iver Johnson Sidewinder from a pawn shop that came with a leather cowboy holster.
Then followed his fasination for 22lr and shotguns.
In 1992, after hearing about a “gun ban”, he went to a local store and decided to buy the largest caliber handgun offered, the Desert Eagle 50AE.
It wasn’t until 2011 that he started thinking about his personal protection and the protection of his family by seeking his CCW.
After finding an instructor he felt confident with in 2012, he took the course and got a ccw in both Ohio and Utah.
After carrying 1911’s, glocks, and smith and wesson handguns, he fell in love with the FN firearms.
He now owns 7 FN guns including the FNX tactical 45 and the PS90.
He also fell in love with old milsurp rifles and has collected many rifles from other countries.
In 2015, He decided to create a seperate youtube channel for hosting the live lobbies over at gunchannels.
Every night he starts a lobby and lets it run all night and allows all gunchannels members to come and go as they please to join in the conversations.
In 2016, He started shooting USPSA matches and wants to shoot IDPA and 3-gun in the future.
– Ohio CCW holder
– Utah CCW holder
– @pink_pnther_69 on IG
– pink_pnther_69 on youtube
– pinks lobbyRoom on youtube
– member of Buckeye Firearms Association
– life member of NRA
– MAG 10 (a condenced 1 day version of MAG 20)
– member of United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA)
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