Gun Websites Newsletter & Tour Update Sept / Oct 2017

Gun Websites Newsletter & Tour Update Sept / Oct 2017

Gun Websites Newsletter #37
Sept / Oct 2017

18 States in 36 Days
We are back in Tucson after over a month on the road.

  • 18 States
  • 36 Days on the road
  • 43 Gun Shops
  • 6 Firearms Museums
  • 5 Gun Shows (in 5 states)
  • 9,000+ miles
  • 640 gallons of gas

We visited Gun Shows on Weekends, and new Gun Shops each day. We toured the Bannerman Castle, and many of the firearms museums across the USA
Stay tuned to the Daily Gun Show for updates each day, reviews of the Gun Shops and Gun Shows

Follow the van updates on the Gear Websites You Tube channel, and 

Perks are headed out to our Patreon supporters who are keeping our projects going
Thank YOU for supporting what we do online

Old West Playing Card Decks
are printed, and are shipping. 
The cards were made in Texas, U.S.A. !!

Please share pics and videos of your decks when they arrive
Extra decks will be available on Gear soon

Thanks to everyone that helps us keep jobs here !! 

Daily Gun Show

New Time Slot !!

Every Weekday at Noon EST

(9am PST) we talk about guns

Join us on, You Tube and iTunes

Firearm Podcast

For Shooters, By Shooters

24 Hour Gun Show
on Gun

The Gun Show Loophole Tour has been a great success. Stay tuned for videos, blog posts, photos and of course coverage each weekday on the Daily Gun Show podcast

The home of Pro-Firearms Social Media

Built in 2013
Members create a
Gun Friendly Community
for firearms enthusiasts 

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Gun Websites

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